Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Purpose Of This Blog

Everyone has an opinion on things, mines just more logical.

That's pretty much the way everyone thinks nowadays anyway, they know best and you know nothing... well I'm that kind of person. I'm not saying I know everything, I don't know how to make a pecan pie and I honestly don't know why someone looked at a pecan and a pie and thought "I wonder what they'd be like together" but I know what's sane.

That's one of the things we seem to have lost as a people, a sense of sanity as a group. We believe that we can say something stupid and when someone calls us on it then they're a bad guy and possibly a baby-raping crack dealer so who do you wanna believe. How about you believe that little voice in the back of your head that says "Oy dickhead, you're about to lose an eye"?

1 comment:

  1. What is sanity? What is logic? What is what ;)
